Wednesday, January 29, 2014

All is not well with the Razak clan

11:09 AM

All is not well with the Razak clan

JANUARY 28, 2014
An opinion piece titled Remembering Tun Razak by prominent banker Datuk Seri Nazir Razak (pic) appears to have struck a raw nerve with the First Family and their supporters – with possible dire consequences for the CIMB boss.
The consensus in the Datuk Seri Najib Razak camp is the article, which sketched the legacy of Malaysia's second prime minister, was ill-advised and served only to provide ammunition for the Prime Minister's opponents at a time when arrows are being fired at him and his wife from all sides.
In the article to coincide with the 38th anniversary of Tun Abdul Razak Hussein's death, Nazir outlined the qualities that made his father a much respected figure. As the custodian of the nation's coffers, his frugality was legendary.
On the rare occasions when his family travelled with him, Razak made sure that he paid for the expenses himself. He was also famous for his integrity and understood that he was a servant of the people whose trust must never be betrayed.
Nazir pointed out that his father was "People First", long before the sound bite, and believed that there was a place under the Malaysian sun for every one of its citizens.
It is understood that the piece was put out to remind Malaysians of the Razak legacy and also to protect the family name.
It found favour with many in the chattering class who have grown despondent over Najib's lacklustre performance as a prime minister and the downward drift of the country into a deep and dark abyss of religious and racial extremism.
Many considered the article timely given the roiling debate of lavish spending by the government and the seemingly cavalier attitude by ruling politicians towards hardship faced by Malaysians due to rising cost of living.
But in Putrajaya, the opinion piece was received poorly and it is no stretch of imagination to say that Nazir is persona non grata in the corridors of power.
Punitive action being bandied about range from making it clear that he does not enjoy the favour of the government to forcing him to consider his employment options.
Much of the talk could be just hyperbole, fuelled by a sense of betrayal. But what is clear is that ties between the First Family and their supporters and the banker have never been so strained.
Well-placed sources told The Malaysian Insider that there were many objections over the article and this included the lecturing tone, its timing and the motive behind it.
It was as if only Nazir was concerned about the Razak legacy, complained Team Najib. In addition, they felt that there must be a sense of loyalty to family, especially during difficult times.
And that sending a message to the PM through an opinion piece was out of order, particularly as it appeared in media not controlled by Umno.
The article dated January 14 was carried by The Malaysian Insider, The Star and Sinar Harian.
It is learnt that Najib and his younger brother have exchanged words about the opinion piece, with another piece, seen as more conciliatory, on the same issue coming out in the Umno-owned New Straits Times two days later.
Despite sniping by pro-government bloggers over the piece, Nazir is unmoved, believing that he owes a duty to his family to remind Malaysians of his father's legacy and protect it at all cost.

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