Her Blogs:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emilie.destrange?fref=ufi
Those who are interested to seek for the truth, will make time for it. Here’s the full interview between me and Ikram Ismail, Harian Metro journalist. No edit save for a few spelling mistakes here and there. I didn’t have to read the final article; I was asked for a photo, which I provided, and seeing how my photo was blurred to look like a criminal, I already knew where it was going. So yeah, I just have two words for you – Intellectual integrity. Or are those words too big for your understanding?
The Interview
Conversation started on April 22
4/22, 6:53am
Ikram Ismail
Hai emilie
4/22, 7:10am
Ikram Ismail
Sory to disturb u
April 23
4/23, 8:24pm
Emilie de Strange
4/28, 12:16pm
Ikram Ismail
ok let be straight forward. my name ikram ismail, i'm journalist from local malaysia newspaper. wish to get ur
comment on the controversy made by u through facebook. maybe u have any explanation on why u doing those
4/28, 12:21pm
Emilie de Strange
Of course! But since when local newspaper is interested to hear my side of the story? Haha Normally people have
already made up their minds anyway...
4/28, 12:23pm
Ikram Ismail
well some citizen in malaysia are very concern
4/28, 12:23pm
Emilie de Strange
Because I'm going to hell? Oh no!!! I'll be burning!!! I joke a lot
4/28, 12:24pm
Ikram Ismail
is it true u are the person who create the "murtad pantai timur" issue? why?
4/28, 12:24pm
Emilie de Strange
Yes that was me. Because I am a murtad and I am from Pantai Timur. I'm at work now, we can talk slowly2 okay?
4/28, 12:26pm
Ikram Ismail
ok. emm
4/28, 12:27pm
Emilie de Strange
How old are you if you don't mind me asking. I have been interviewed before, just want to have an idea who I'm
speaking with
4/28, 12:27pm
Ikram Ismail
emm I am 34. owh
4/28, 12:28pm
Emilie de Strange
Oh ok thanks
4/28, 12:28pm
Ikram Ismailu?
4/28, 12:28pm
Emilie de Strange
I'm 42
4/28, 12:28pm
Ikram Ismail
owh... but u still look young
4/28, 12:33pm
Emilie de Strange
Photoshop mah
4/28, 12:34pm
Ikram Ismail
wow.. so u are expert in photoshop. are u married?
4/28, 1:35pm
Emilie de Strange
Heheh no lar Instagram all got filter2 all what. I'm not married. But maybe you wanna read my blog, I have no
4/28, 1:40pm
Ikram Ismail
I am wonderng why u start all the conroversy?
4/28, 1:41pm
Emilie de Strange
Me start controversy? I've been insulting Islam for years! Facebook doesn't belong to Muslims. In fact, it was
invented by a Jewish atheist. I can make a Facebook page to express my opinions, it's freedom of speech. Are you
saying we don't have freedom of speech in Malaysia?
4/28, 2:08pm
Ikram Ismail
we have it here. but still a guidelines to follow. btw, i read ur blog - http://www.rationalhub.com/blogs/emiliesdiary/
2012/04/27/how-it-all-started/ " I was sexually abused as a child, as early as 5 or 6 years old. "does it mean, ur life
have change since then and because of that u lost ur faith in islam?
4/28, 3:25pm
Emilie de Strange
Well it's the start of my questioning everything. Freedom of speech with guidelines = no freedom of speech lar. It's
not because of that I lost my faith. I lost my faith because I became convinced that religions are invented by
humans. It makes more sense that way
4/28, 3:27pm
Ikram Ismail
Ok. Since when
4/28, 3:27pm
Emilie de Strange
It's gradual change. Took years. At first I rejected hadiths because so many discrepancies but I still believed in
Quran. And then I rejected Quran but I still thought there was a god. Just that I rejected god of the desert. So I
became like Quranist, Sufi, deist, agnostic and eventually atheist. My mom took me to Mecca in 2005 I was
agnostic at the time. Let's just say what I saw there made me decide that god and Islam are bullshit
4/28, 3:30pm
Ikram Ismail
For umrah?
4/28, 3:30pm
Emilie de Strange
4/28, 3:30pm
Ikram Ismail
What did u saw
4/28, 3:31pm
Emilie de Strange
Nothing magic lah. I'm normally reluctant to tell people, because I'm not interested to make people follow my
footsteps. So if I can generalize.. I saw the way the Arabs are, their behavior. I saw that Mecca is a money making
empire. Religion for sale
4/28, 3:32pm
Ikram Ismail
4/28, 3:32pm
Emilie de Strange
And imagine 1400 years ago. The way Arabs are, and here this guy Muhammad trying to unite everybody. What
would he say? Things like that lah. It's a personal observation. And while praying in the mosque. The meaning of al
fatihah. Blaring 5 times a day. What was the purpose?
4/28, 3:35pm
Ikram Ismail
Of course to worship god. But what did ur mom said?
4/28, 3:36pm
Emilie de Strange
Yea you're looking at the literal meaning. Why does god need to be worshipped? Does he feed on our prayers or
what? Hehhe I thought god is great. He doesn't need you or me. Anyway, I didn't tell my mom anything. Kept my
atheism a secret until a few years ago
4/28, 3:38pm
Ikram Ismail
To show our grateful. Emm. So ur mom accept ur decision?
4/28, 3:38pm
Emilie de Strange
Of course not, are you crazy? She's in denial
4/28, 3:40pm
Ikram Ismail
Hmm but u not staying in malaysia kan
4/28, 3:41pm
Emilie de Strange
Yea but I've been insulting Islam openly since 2011. I just got here last year. Malays cannot accept murtads. You
should read my other blog
4/28, 3:42pm
Ikram Ismail
Yep i read ur post. So mean, no one influence u kan. Actually i known some friend who still kept it as a secret
4/28, 3:45pm
Emilie de Strange
See? We live in denial. We lie to ourselves. It's injustice. Muslims can say "I'm a Muslim" But if I say "I'm a
murtad" all hell breaks loose haha
4/28, 3:47pm
Ikram Ismail Emm
4/28, 3:47pm
Emilie de Strange
I was in a discussion group. I said "why does god sounds like a middle aged Arab man eyeing a prepubescent girl
as his next wife?" And online jihadis made me famous
4/28, 3:48pm
Ikram Ismail
Let say u geting married in a future and having a child, would u let ur children choose their religion?
4/28, 3:48pm
Emilie de Strange
Of course
4/28, 3:48pm
Ikram Ismail
Owh. Online jihadis
4/28, 3:49pm
Emilie de Strange
But if my child choose Islam, I will try to ask my child not to follow polygamy. It hurts people. Other than that, my
child can choose whatever. But nobody bothers to ask things like that. It's a witch hunt. She's murtad!!! Burn her!!!
Okay then, you wanna play? Bring it on. Unlike them, I got brains
4/28, 3:51pm
Ikram Ismail
I may no happen now
4/28, 3:51pm
Emilie de Strange
The more I argue with them, the more violent they become. I just use my words
4/28, 3:51pm
Ikram Ismail
Eg lina joy's case
4/28, 3:52pm
Emilie de Strange
You can try to submit application to syariah court in Malaysia to become murtad, but it will be rejected. There is no
freedom of religion for Muslims in Malaysia. Everybody knows that
4/28, 3:54pm
Ikram Ismail
Syariah in msia is not to strong unless there is amend on the constitution
4/28, 3:54pm
Emilie de Strange
I didn't create any controversy lah. Muslims in Malaysia are so repressed. Like a ticking time bomb
4/28, 3:55pm
Ikram Ismail
Btw how u life now working in abroad?
4/28, 3:55pm
Emilie de Strange
You just provoke a little and hell is unleashed. But they blame it on other people for their lack of self control. I'm
okay. But I'm actually battling depression. Many murtads like me (or closeted people) have some sort of mental
illness. Bipolar. It's a result of repressing your true self for so long. It's a real psychological condition. There are
documented cases. While my job is okay, and I'm living decent life, I entertain suicidal thoughts since I was a
teenager. Who can I tell it to? My family? They are more interested to know that I'm not going to hell
4/28, 3:57pmIkram Ismail
Ok so how ur surrounding there? I mean , did people there treat u ok
4/28, 3:57pm
Emilie de Strange
Islam makes their priorities screwed. Yea people here don't care what religion you are
4/28, 3:58pm
Ikram Ismail
Agree. Cause i have friend who used to further their study abroad.
4/28, 4:00pm
Emilie de Strange
Educated Muslims are better. But they are still silenced by the minority extremists. Because when it comes to
religion, nobody dares to say anything. You say something, they call you murtad, sesat, terpesong
4/28, 4:02pm
Ikram Ismail
Owh so some of ur muslim neighbour or friend know about ur stance in islam ?
4/28, 4:02pm
Emilie de Strange
Oh now I don't care anymore. I was using my real account. With friends and families. So I created new account and
distanced myself. But I am honest and open. They can come find me, but I don't add anybody Muslim
4/28, 4:03pm
Ikram Ismail
I respected ur decision
4/28, 4:04pm
Emilie de Strange
If they have a problem with anything I say, I tell them "please unfriend me, but I will not stop speaking my mind
just because you cannot stand to read it. I didn't force anybody to read"
4/28, 4:04pm
Ikram Ismail
Hmm, are u planning to go back to msia to meet ur mom or friend here
4/28, 4:05pm
Emilie de Strange
All I do is speak. I don't support any violence or bullying towards anyone. I dunno. Probably not. As long as they
won't accept me, I don't wanna see them. I'm already depressed and suicidal. I don't need anymore headache
4/28, 4:06pm
Ikram Ismail
Ok, huhuh
4/28, 4:06pm
Emilie de Strange
You know what my family keeps saying to me?
4/28, 4:06pm
Ikram Ismail
What did they say to u?
4/28, 4:06pm
Emilie de Strange
"Tak ingat bapak ke? Dalam kubur guling2 tak senang duduk" because of me. Way to go making people feel guilty.
Is that what Islam is? Emotionally blackmailing people to get them to behave? What a dirty trick. They keep saying
that, so good bye lah
4/28, 4:08pm
Ikram Ismail Maybe they want u to think back the sacrifice made by ur father
4/28, 4:08pm
Emilie de Strange
So my behavior is making my after suffer? See how Islam operates? By blackmailing people What have I done that
is so bad? I just stopped believing. I even kept it a secret for 10 years. And people want me to keep it secret until I
die. As long as they are happy. They dunno me at all. Is that what being family is all about? Pleasing other people to
the point that you are living double lives? Have you heard of multiple personality disorder? This is it lah. No joke. I
need therapy because of the abuse I suffered. And all they worry about is how Allah is angry. Fuck Allah There are
many like me. They cry alone
4/28, 4:12pm
Ikram Ismail
Be cool beb
4/28, 4:12pm
Emilie de Strange
Nah I'm okay now hehhe. I'm just describing how it is for me and for these people. Tu jeer. And about the sex
abuse kan, nobody wants to talk about it. Why? Sebab malu. And people write me, it also happens to them. But the
difficulty to address it, makes the issue get swept under the carpet
4/28, 4:15pm
Ikram Ismail
Emm ur hometown is ketereh eh
4/28, 4:15pm
Emilie de Strange
What of it happens to your daughter? Yup
4/28, 4:16pm
Ikram Ismail
I will protect my children as much as i can
4/28, 4:16pm
Emilie de Strange
If it happens to her, and she tells you what would you do?
4/28, 4:17pm
Ikram Ismail
Emm will not use harsh approach. And later will make her reliase it herself. Anyway i still not married la. Hehehhe
4/28, 4:18pm
Emilie de Strange
I didn't tell anybody when I was little. But I told my mom 2 years ago, she kinda know from my sister anyway.
And her response was "what you want me to do about it?"
4/28, 4:20pm
Ikram Ismail
Mean that u have think to becoming murtad since ur was a little kid eh. Hmmm so u not planing to go back to
becoming muslim ?
4/28, 5:05pm
Emilie de Strange
I still believed in god til I was 30+ lah. And why would I want to go back to Islam?
4/29, 8:35am
Ikram Ismail
Owh. Btw i have a request. Any latest picture at work or any exclusive pix
4/29, 10:59am
Emilie de StrangeI'll get back to you yeah, at work now
4/29, 11:01am
Ikram Ismail
4/29, 11:06am
Emilie de Strange
Are you going to write about whatever we talked about?
4/29, 11:13am
Ikram Ismail
Yep.. But not all the conversation will be in my write up
4/29, 11:18am
Emilie de Strange
4/29, 11:19am
Ikram Ismail
Tq. So base on ur fB, u are in norway. I expect u working in IT industry
4/29, 11:27am
Emilie de Strange
No, oil and gas. I'm a reservoir engineer
4/29, 11:28am
Ikram Ismail
Wow. Never thought u working on that industry. So u graduate from UTP?
4/29, 11:31am
Emilie de Strange
I studied in the US. Went after SPM. JPA scholarship. I worked for exxonmobil for 8 years, schlumberger for 8
years now I'm working as consultant
4/29, 11:34am
Ikram Ismail
Owh on what year u went to us? Cause i did read about u receive an award on the good result of spm
4/29, 11:35am
Emilie de Strange
Takde award lah. Just best student, so dapat scholarship je lah
4/29, 11:35am
Ikram Ismail
Tp kuat article dlm paper kan. Hehehe
4/29, 11:35am
Emilie de Strange
Masuk paper
4/29, 11:35am
Ikram Ismail
Owh. So lucky to further ur study abroad
4/29, 11:36am
Emilie de Strange
Biasa2 jer tapi sebab sekolah kat kampung, jadi macam terer giler. Zaman tu Malaysia banyak duit. Sekarang dah
4/29, 11:36am
Ikram IsmailI mean so lucky for u to further abroad. Yep
4/29, 11:37am
Emilie de Strange
Eh okay la ai ada meting ni nanti sambung. Bye
4/29, 11:38am
Ikram Ismail
4/30, 8:39am
Ikram Ismail
4/30, 8:56am
Ikram Ismail
are u busy
4/30, 9:35am
Emilie de Strange
I'm at work but we can talk
4/30, 9:35am
Ikram Ismail
4/30, 9:36am
Emilie de Strange
I don't have a good photo of me, anything on Facebook is okay, people have been stealing my photos anyway
4/30, 9:36am
Ikram Ismail
lol. huhuhu. ala.. pix from ur phone. okies. btw, "Pemikiran dan pandangan Juli tentang Islam dapat dibaca di
blognya, cattastrophenomenon.wordpress.com. Dalam blog ini, turut tercatat pengalaman Juli dirogol pada usia
muda sehingga membawa kepada bibit kebenciannya terhadap agama." reported on the mynewshub. is it true?
4/30, 10:14am
Emilie de Strange
What do you think? People can say whatever. I let people judge for themselves.
4/30, 10:15am
Ikram Ismail
Emm from ur side?
4/30, 10:15am
Emilie de Strange
You've talked to me yourself, what do you think? A good journalist should be able to make good conclusion heheh
4/30, 10:23am
Emilie de Strange
I find it useless to defend myself against any accusation. They can call me whatever, at the end of the day, it doesn't
bother me. What I wish people would do is, think for themselves
4/30, 10:27am
Ikram Ismail
Well, from ur explanation earlier, i do think it not true
4/30, 10:27am
Emilie de Strange
There you go4/30, 10:28am
Ikram Ismail
Unless someone who raped u is a relligious man. Kan
4/30, 10:28am
Emilie de Strange
Sure the abuse made me think a lot. I had an outsider perspective. Yea maybe that's a good point. I don't blame
religion for my abuse, I do however blame religion for not trying to address the issues proactively. Or for trying to
cover up and hush victims.
4/30, 10:29am
Ikram Ismail
Owh ok
4/30, 10:29am
Emilie de Strange
The stigma of sex makes us ashamed to talk about it. What is religious men's solution to sex abuse? Women should
not wear sexy.
4/30, 10:30am
Ikram Ismail
Btw, i heard there is an underground group of malays atheis
4/30, 10:30am
Ikram Ismail
Oh. Yep
4/30, 10:31am
Emilie de Strange
See, everybody knows lah. I wouldn't say underground lah. These people are closeted.. Just like me before. We go
to work, we pretend to be Muslim, kalau balik kampung, aku sembahyang, puasa depan orang, belakang melantak
jugak hehhe
4/30, 10:32am
Ikram Ismail
Are u connected with them . I meant make a contact with them
4/30, 10:32am
Emilie de Strange
We just cannot tell people because we don't want to be discriminated or lose family. Since I've been vocal on the
internet, yes I've known many lah
4/30, 10:57am
Ikram Ismail
Ok.. May i know how many of them in malaysia
4/30, 12:24pm
Emilie de Strange
Ish I dunno lah, even these murtads, they have many degrees of uncertainty in their beliefs. Officially we are
Muslim, it says so in our IC. But some are Quranist, they reject Hadith. Do you call them murtad? What about
syiah followers? I know one or two. Some still believe in god, they just don't believe in Islam. Some are deists,
pantheists, agnostics. Me of course, I'm atheist
4/30, 12:44pm
Ikram Ismail
owh.. btw any of ur famililes member follow ur step?
4/30, 12:48pm
Emilie de Strange
4/30, 12:58pm
Emilie de StrangeI'm not interested to influence anybody, you know... I just don't want Muslims imposing on me their beliefs, while I
clearly am not interested anymore
4/30, 12:59pm
Ikram Ismail
Owh me respect ur decision. Emmm i read about u when to further study in usa,.
4/30, 1:01pm
Emilie de Strange
Muslims always think murtads are trying to spread their beliefs. They think murtads will influence others and make
them confused. Goyah sangat ker iman diorang ni? Asik konpius manjang
4/30, 1:04pm
Ikram Ismail
While u in usa , are u met someone during ur study who had convience u as u are today
4/30, 1:04pm
Emilie de Strange
Nope. I was still Muslim when I came back
4/30, 1:05pm
Ikram Ismail
4/30, 1:05pm
Emilie de Strange
I only became convinced that religion and gods are man made when I was already 35 or so. Wait, 2005... I was in
my early 30s. It's gradual change... Slowly the more and more I read, the less my belief in god becomes
4/30, 1:07pm
Ikram Ismail
What type of book ur referring. Is it on liberalisme or other
4/30, 1:18pm
Emilie de Strange
Hahha everything. It's not just one book. It's observation of things around me. It's reading history. I like reading
history. And I read about other religions. I make mental notes of the good things the bad things. The origin of
things. How religions start, and where. I watch documentaries on YouTube. People's opinions. All sides. Then I
make my own conclusion. I also like reading biographies. Famous people, these so called prophets. Scientists. I
read about their achievements. I like traveling too. Especially visiting old monuments. Old temples. I've been to
Angkor wat, Borobudur, Taj Mahal
4/30, 1:23pm
Ikram Ismail
Wow. Ok
4/30, 1:24pm
Emilie de Strange
I hired guides on my trips, and they told the stories of Buddha in inscription on temple walls. I remember a castle in
India where our guide told us the sultan had 800 concubines and he showed us the quarters where the concubines
lived. So yeah, my life experience made me an atheist. I went to a museum in Phnom Penh where we saw hundreds
of skulls of people killed by pol pot regime. Our guide was a young man who lost his parents during pol pot ruling.
He said he was 5 and he had to tended goats with other kids. They would catch birds to eat but had to hide because
if found, they'd be punished
4/30, 1:28pm
Ikram Ismail
Maybe those people in a past didn't follow the things they should do in religion
4/30, 1:28pm
Emilie de Strange
I dunno... With all the atrocities I see... Hahha sure keep telling yourself that4/30, 1:29pm
Ikram Ismail
4/30, 1:29pm
Emilie de Strange
If that answer makes you happy, then so be it. I don't like lying to myself
4/30, 1:30pm
Ikram Ismail
Btw i think u earn high salary in norway kan..
4/30, 1:30pm
Emilie de Strange
Boleh lah. I have almost 20 year experience already. And I work in highly technical field, very specialized
4/30, 1:31pm
Ikram Ismail
Sbb i have a dream to work in abroad gak. Huhu
4/30, 1:34pm
Emilie de Strange
Western countries are accepting of everyone. Go for it hehhe fun jugak tengok2 negeri orang. I think kan, orang
melayu ni jenis kurang bergaul. Pandai guna Facebook tapi otak tak berkembang jugak
4/30, 1:36pm
Ikram Ismail
Emm, btw someone did spread the rumors that this facebook account is not operate by urself.. But after i having a
conversation with u, it proof me that it own by urself..
4/30, 1:36pm
Emilie de Strange
Hehehe macam2 la diorang ni heheh
4/30, 1:37pm
Ikram Ismail
Yep.. Pepatah melayu.. Jauh perjalanan, luas pengalaman..
4/30, 1:37pm
Emilie de Strange
Sebab tanak percaya. So reka cerita macam2. Kannnn. Time muda lah kalau nak travel
4/30, 1:37pm
Ikram Ismail
4/30, 1:37pm
Emilie de Strange
I selalu gak citer2 kat budak2 sebab Norway university sumer free. Kalau diorang nak further study
4/30, 1:38pm
Ikram Ismail
Open for foreigner?
4/30, 1:39pm
Emilie de Strange
Anybody from anywhere. Diorang ni kaya. Lagi pun aku bayar tax babi mahal 40% shah. So the money is used to
fund education and medical
4/30, 1:39pm
Ikram Ismail 40 percent
4/30, 1:40pm
Emilie de Strange
Tak kesah lah. I don't mind paying if it's for education or betterment of country. Kat Malaysia I paid tax 28%
4/30, 1:41pm
Ikram Ismail
Well msia will implement GSt on next april
4/30, 1:41pm
Emilie de Strange
Bukan dah ada eh? Or maybe not in all places lah kot
4/30, 1:41pm
Ikram Ismail
Nope ..Bsk ada rally on gst by opposition. As usual la
4/30, 1:42pm
Emilie de Strange
Opposition oppose anything government says. To me government kita ada yang bagus ada yang tak bagus
4/30, 1:45pm
Ikram Ismail
Agreed. Ada pro n con. Btw , hudud is likely be implement soon
4/30, 1:46pm
Emilie de Strange
Tapi kekadang geram baca bila politician buat statement bodoh2. In Malaysia?
4/30, 1:47pm
Ikram Ismail
Ur hometown
4/30, 1:47pm
Emilie de Strange
Most Malays don't even know what hudud entails. I probably know more than they do. Bagusla aku nak tengok
orang kudung tangan lepas ni
4/30, 1:49pm
Ikram Ismail
Tp blm confirm lg. Still ada pertentangan from non muslim politician and others
4/30, 1:50pm
Emilie de Strange
Hudud tak logic. They haven't given any reasonable reason why it should be implemented other than "Allah wants
4/30, 1:54pm
Ikram Ismail
Emm i da tgk facebook u. Byk pix lama je la. N dah digunakan byk kali. Boleh x kalo i dptkn new pix ke. Hehehe
4/30, 1:55pm
Emilie de Strange
Hehhe ok ok. Malam ni ai ambik baru nyer. Sumer selfie
4/30, 1:55pm
Ikram Ismail
4/30, 1:56pm
Emilie de Strangeambik pakai MacBook so not so bad lah
4/30, 1:56pm
Ikram Ismail
Selfie with ur smartphone la
4/30, 2:25pm
Emilie de Strange
Selfie dgn smartphone terlebih perasan lawa hahahha. Nak posing2 over2
4/30, 2:26pm
Ikram Ismail
It trend nowadays la
4/30, 3:43pm
Ikram Ismail
4/30, 3:43pm
Ikram Ismail
Sate.. Are u missing malaysian food!!
4/30, 4:07pm
Emilie de Strange
Opkos laa. Busy keje sorry
Thursday5/1, 9:49am
Ikram Ismail
5/1, 9:55am
Emilie de Strange
oh hi. belum amik gambar, belum mandi pun lagi. nak mandi shampoo rambut pakai mekap skit
5/1, 9:55am
Ikram Ismail
wah...u just awake eh.. sorry.
5/1, 9:59am
Emilie de Strange
takde laa baru bangun, cuma belum mandi
5/1, 10:00am
Ikram Ismail
owh ok..oh i forgot, today is labour day.. it public holiday.. btw, are u willing to debate with religious people or
maybe u have the experience debate with religious man..
5/1, 10:12am
Emilie de Strange
it depends. i find that religious people are only interested to be right. i don't are about winning argument, they can
think they are right all they want, what i care about is the treatment of minorities by Muslims. the stigmatization of
certain groups of people. so will I debate? depends on the debate topic lah
5/1, 10:19am
Ikram Ismail
owh kalo topic on women or children..
5/1, 10:19am
Emilie de Strange
maybe. i've never been in official debate though, but why not eh
5/1, 10:20am
Ikram Ismail
hmm on religious belief?
5/1, 10:20am
Emilie de Strange
depends how they frame the topic lah. if the topic is "atheism vs religion, which is true?" itu gaduh sampai kiamat
pun tak abis
5/1, 10:21am
Ikram Ismail
5/1, 10:22am
Emilie de Strange
tapi kalau topic "how religion affect women's rights" position pro-religion vs anti, then maybe lah kot
5/1, 10:25am
Ikram Ismail
wah pejuang minoriti
5/1, 10:26am
Emilie de Strange
well most victims have no voice. i didn't have a voice when I was young. sekarang dah tua baru berani. did i tell
you I get messages from people saying they were sexually abused too? I wish I could do something to help. and
most of them suffer alone.
5/1, 10:35amIkram Ismail
so what ur plan, maybe to join any women ngo or form any ngo .. heheh
5/1, 10:43am
Emilie de Strange
i have no plans. I just write in my free time. i believe writing is a form of education, for myself and others who read
the things I write. spreading awareness. sometimes people tell me, I made them think
5/1, 11:24am
Ikram Ismail
okies..jap da amik pix.. heheeh
5/1, 11:25am
Emilie de Strange
bum. my profile picture yang ni kenot ah?
5/1, 11:25am
Ikram Ismail
new pix la huhuhu
5/1, 11:27am
Emilie de Strange
gambar ni boleh tak?
5/1, 11:28am
Emilie de Strange
kucing saya nak masuk paper
5/1, 11:28am
Ikram Ismail
5/1, 11:29amEmilie de Strange
muka macam horny hahaha
5/1, 11:41am
Ikram Ismail
huhuhuh. today in KL, tgh ada rally on gst.. tp kurang sambutan
5/1, 11:44am
Emilie de Strange
5/1, 1:52pm
Ikram Ismail
how the weather in norway today? is it nice
5/1, 2:21pm
Emilie de Strange
It's cold but the sun is out. I'm gonna go out take some pictures later
5/1, 5:59pm
Emilie de Strange
5/1, 5:59pm
Emilie de Strange
ini ok. nanti nak kuar ambik gambar pemandangan
5/1, 6:00pm
Ikram Ismail
Cun #selfie
5/1, 6:01pm
Emilie de Strangeterpaksa la kan duduk sorang2
5/1, 6:02pm
Ikram Ismail
Owh...Area u duduk, ramai malaysian ?
5/1, 6:03pm
Emilie de Strange
tak ramai. tap saya memang tak campur melayu pun. ada sorang Malaysian chinese, berkawan la sekejap. then she
has other malaysian friends on FB, and they read my posts, and they dun wanna friend with my friend anymore.
basal orang murtad ni kan monster. akupun malas la nak camper. padahal my friend cakap diorang tu pun bukan
bagus sangat pun, bulan ramadan tak puasa pun, minum arak okay, tapi babi tak makan la
5/1, 6:05pm
Ikram Ismail
Tp actually it is good to mingle with local people there.. Sbb we can learn their culture
5/1, 6:06pm
Emilie de Strange
tapi melayu murtad? ishhh cannot friend. yea my friends are my co-workers
5/1, 6:06pm
Ikram Ismail
Emm typical malay mmg mcm tu..
5/1, 6:06pm
Emilie de Strange
anyway I better go.. i wanna go photograph sunset
5/1, 6:06pm
Ikram Ismail
Alright. Enjoy ur day
5/1, 6:07pm
Emilie de Strange
you too
5/1, 6:08pm
Ikram Ismail
Sine da pkl 12 midnite da pun. Huhu
5/1, 6:09pm
Emilie de Strange
sini pukul 6pm. sunset pukul 9
5/2, 1:39pm
Ikram Ismail
Good day
5/2, 1:40pm
Emilie de Strange
5/2, 4:15pm
Ikram Ismail
How was the sunset? Great!!! Eh
5/2, 5:05pm
Emilie de Strange
sunset wasn't great. but I tool some photos of swords in stone
5/2, 5:06pm Ikram Ismail
5/2, 5:06pm
Emilie de Strange
just posted photos
Ikram Ismail
Emilie de Strange
why did you blur my face? nak jual paper yer? nampak lagi bersalah? nama dah terpampang, and I gave you my
photo myself. I was hoping for a fair and balanced news but what do I expect from Harian Metro haha what a joke.
Ikram Ismail
Sorry. Bkn my decision to blur ur pix. N my editor change my story lead
Emilie de Strangewell, I don't expect much from Harian Metro. this exactly what I meant.
Ikram Ismail
Dulu i political writer.. I am just new with harian metro. Last time i dgn malay mail
Emilie de Strange
there are good people, who are silenced by fanatical witch hunters eh
Ikram Ismail
Emilie de Strange
people love a good witch hunt. they get a chance to let off steam, their sexual repression
Ikram Ismail
Emilie de Strange
tak tido lagi ker
Ikram Ismail
Baru nk tido..Bru habis tgk bola. Hehhe. Enjoy ur weekend. Tq. Nite
Emilie de Strange
you too
Ikram Ismail
Btw this is my mobile / whatapps number +60196063906
Emilie de Strange
Emilie de Strange
Ikram you didn't think about my family did you? I don't care about me. Why are Muslims so heartless?
Emilie de Strange
You really made me sound bad. Don't you have a conscience? Intellectual integrity? The more and more I look at
Muslims and their behavior, the more I'm convinced how stupid they are.
Just knew she had some loose screws upstairs. She admitted it.
ReplyDeleteHeck, I am a doctor some of them think they are Gods.